Fucking Insane Messages In My Inbox This Week
- Hey check it it ain’t reality when look bitch I’ve bitch I ve been knowing all these usernames was you for years just aim’t said shit ho I told bitch im street just wait you never be the same for life
- I’ve been keeping it 100 so I mean it is what it is like she she has some feeling or something in her gut telling her some other shit or ride with your gut then Ron and you did so I mean, do you like we already know where it is I mean I’m not saying it like that but that’s where I feel that she should be at that level. That’s what she brings herself to . I mean you you go out and do some dumbass shit expect some dumbass shit like I mean what the fuck you mean dude, I mean you always gonna have a reaction reaction for your action. I mean a consequence for your fucking reaction but I’m here I was on 100 so I don’t know where she came out with what she came out with but that’s cool. Maybe maybe she can show me where she came up with her shit because I can gladly show her where I didn’t have any of that shit and I’ve been at the right level until she left and then yeah I’m I’m doing me , you ain’t there no more why what you mean? Why not you wanna fucking move out OK move
- You gonna listen to me motherfucker tell you shit I always check you know you should always check and see where your information is coming from is is it true? Is it reliable? Is it solid everything you know me you don’t always go all right so I mean if you didn’t do that work in your for yourself that’s on you. That’s your fault that’s your bad so I’m gonna because if she would’ve done even that little bit of homework, she would’ve seen something totally different and we wouldn’t even have this conversation right now. Honestly wouldn’t even be talking about it but she knows there is she sort of and so she didn’t and she made it radical decision to do with it so enjoy yourself you just know that things do come back around fucking insane motherfucker, dude.
- Here’s the deal dude it ain’t like that and so you wanna you wanna jump on that save a whole train and shit maybe you need to step foot into the relationship before you try to jump on a save a whole train I mean, how about if I was with you and straight fucking bitches for 2 1/2 years and lying about it what would you say hoe? What would you say bitch I guarantee you be on here motherfucking blasting so you might wanna just keep your mouth shut before I have my sister shut it for you bitch Sister
- Bitch he don’t get you he just doing what fuck wwe all could do but you to busy thinking everyone always doing shit when like said before I’ve never actually sleep around on you also I’m give you that Brian leak bitch just chill on back have fun enjoy yourself time is only a illusion.
More fucking insane messages below …