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Want Pussy? Read This

Want Pussy? Read This

Want Pussy? part 1 So, just want to help expand the collective consciousness of the uninitiated male population of Fetlife. You want pussy? Keep reading fuckers. I want to share something that will make your time on this site infinitely more satisfying, enjoyable, and...
The Penis Gallery

The Penis Gallery

There is an epidemic of Fet, or perhaps it exists across all forms of social media, of perceived ownership of a public figure. I see it all the time. A woman changes her hairstyle, gains or loses a few pounds, breaks up or gets together with a man, and the comment...
How To NOT Get Laid

How To NOT Get Laid

How To NOT Get Laid part 1 A group of Fet ladies and I were recently talking about answering literally 100 thousand communications over the past few years. We noticed some shocking similarities, and patterns, that were repeating over and over again across our shared...
Beginner’s Guide To Fetlife

Beginner’s Guide To Fetlife

My Guide To Fetlife, Your Guide To Getting Laid So you’ve just signed up! Welcome! I’m sure you’re mid stroke, ready to fire off a million messages, join a million groups, and generally dive right in, but take a minute to read the following guide. I...
The Penis Gallery

#1 Secret To Fucking More Fet Girls

Guys, listen up. I’m about to give you a VIP pass inside of the collective consciousness, of all popular women here on Fet. It’s the secret to fucking more girls on Fet, or anywhere else. Imagine, that you’re a girl. Now imagine that you have more...