I Am A Fetlife Whore
So in the past 2 weeks I’ve been reported 19 different times.
Instead of immediately submitting to the fantasies of the men who message me, I instead, gasp, turned out to be a human being with her own needs, wants, and outlooks.
Instead of immediately giving out my address/phone number, I required that they prove themselves to be more then the single cock photo on thier profile, and more articulate then thier “Hey bitch, let’s fuck” opening mesaage.
Simply this; I did not fit the adolescent fantasy being projected upon me by men who wouldn’t know what to do with a woman if she was bent over in front of them.
I was reported so many times for the audacity of wanting to be treated like a human being that I have now been taken off of the suggested follow page on Fetlife.
Basically what has been achieved here, is that men who want to simply abuse women, have now made me, my writings, and my thoughts, less accessible to the new Fet members who are trying to learn how to conduct themselves.
So, bravo to shambling, misogynistic hoards out there, and bravo as well to a caretaking team who turns a blind eye to justice, in the pursuit of “fairness”.
More advice on getting your own damn whore below …

… continued (by the way fucking COMMENT below! I drink more piss when I get more comments).
Treat Her Like A Princess
Anyhow, to my larger point…
Guys….I have a huge, game changing secret for you….Ready? Listen up.
Men, get turned on by what they SEE. Women, get turned on by what they HEAR.
(I have a male model friend on instagram who posts shirtless pictures…he’s fucking HOT…..but the writings he posts, the poems he posts, get 10000% more attention from women.)
What does this mean? It means you need to treat a girl like a PRINCESS, if you want to fuck her like a whore.
Woman are whores, to men who make them feel safe, seen, and cared for.
Woman are whores, for men who make them feel excited, inspired, and curious.
Women are whores, for men who make an experience about HER needs, and THEN his.
The Grand irony is that if all these men who got upset that I didn’t immediately go “full whore” had actually engaged with me, instead of making demands, their cocks would probably be in my mouth RIGHT now.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I may be a slut…..but I’m not YOUR slut, yet.
It’s a math equation fellas. 1 kindness + 1 humor + 1 gentle dominance +1 firm without being pushy +1 interest without being desperate = 6969% increase in probability she will fuck you….and not just that, she’ll LIKE you.
And isn’t that what this is all about anyway? Finding that perfect partner that is a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets?
I know its a fantasy…but the reality if you DONT want a “full time whore”. That’s insane. She’d be a mentally ill lunatic, malnourished, manic, and unable to function in society.
You want a fully formed human, with the capacity to be a depraved, deep throat, ass fucked, freak.
Trust me boys.
Treat her like a princess FIRST, and then the sky is the limit.